
Biological and Low-Chemical
Pestcide Provider



NANOMAX is a liquid fertilizer powered by essential nutrients in nano-scale, tiniest particle size that makes them easily and completely absorbed, effectively available and fully utilized by crops, whether applied as foliar spray or root-soil-drenching. NANOMAX is produced through a patented breakthrough nanotechnology manufacturing process that uses the highest quality materials to produce the 20-40 nanometer-sized tiniest particles.
NANOMAX contains critical water soluble macro and micro-nutrients, which are not present in traditional grade fertilizers, in ideal and optimum concentration for good crop health including excellent shoot and root development, flower and fruit development and increased resistance to both biotic and abiotic stresses to attain maximum crop yield. 
Foliar spray or root irrigation, can be adjusted by the need of crop growth, start using from young seedlings, stop spraying one week before harvest.

Usage rate:
Adjust the dilution rate according to the difference of climate, soil property, and crops, from 300X to 1000X.

  • Flower - Phalaenopsis, Camellia, Foliage plants.
  • Leafy vegetables
  • Fruiting vegetables - Tomato, Cucumber, Green pepper, Bitter gourd, Luffa.
  • Fruit Trees - Pear, Persimmon, Pomelo,​ Litchi, Papaya, Avocado, Citrus, Orange, Mango, Wax apple, Jujube, Sugar apple, Guava, Grapes.
  • Special crops - Tea, Roselle, or crops that needs high Calcium.